Dumb Movie Lines: The Last Woman On Earth (1960)

Movie Poster: The Last Woman On Earth (1960 film)I just watched The Last Woman On Earth, an old 1960 film by Roger Corman.  Some sort of plague or something wipes out just about everyone in the world, and there’s just a handful of people left.  It’s a good old classic sci-fi movie.

But good old movies are not immune to the occasional dumb line.  I just saw one scene where the only people remaining (that the viewer knows about) is one woman, and two men.  So naturally the two men get in a fight over the woman, and one man kills the other.  It’s a bit involved and the murder wasn’t necessarily intentional, but it was clear that the surviving man hated the dead man and had been fighting him.  So as he, the one remaining man on Earth, leans over the dead guy, along with the one remaining woman left alive on Earth, the surviving man begins to come to his senses, and states what the woman – and the viewer – already know: “I killed him.”

And then he looks at the woman: “when will we ever learn?”

WE?  He actually says “we”.

I was waiting for the woman to say “What’s this WE stuff, YOU killed him, mushbrains.”

But the woman takes it in stride.  I guess women are used to that sort of thinking.

It reminds me of an old joke: the Lone Ranger and his native American sidekick Tonto are watching a horde of Indian braves bear down on them in full battle fury. “Looks like we’re in trouble, Tonto,” says the Lone Ranger to his companion, to which Tonto replies: “What you mean ‘we,’ pale face?”



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